Many people seem to have difficulty emailing photos. I designed this to make it as quick and easy to email photos to us!

  1.  All photos need to be in .jpg format
  2. All photos to be emailed to us prior to the listing going live. If we have to go in and add photos later there could be a $25 fee.
  3. All photos need to be “Attached” as an email attachment. We do not go to outside sites like Shutterfly or any other site to obtain your photos. Some Mac users send them and they're embedded in the email, they must be as attachments, we cannot right click to get them.
  4. The order of the photos: The most important photo is generally the front exterior then kitchen area. We will put your photos in a logical order unless we are directed to put them in a specific order.
  5. If you want photos in a specific order:  You will need to “Rename” each photo the order you want. Rename each photo like this: 1front.jpeg, 2kitchen.jpg, 3greatroom.jpeg and so on, DO NOT email them without renaming and a note telling us what order to put them it, it is far to confusing and usually creates issues later AND IS VERY TIME CONSUMING ON OUR END.
  6. Size of photo. These are small photos on the internet, not large photos on the wall. As such they can be small, between 100k to 200k in size. All photos need to be resized or “Resaved” to under 200k.
  7. IF YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TO RESIZE:   There are various photo eding software programs out there or simply send the photos 4 or 5 at a time. Many photos are large, 5-7 megs, this is a huge file so send a few at a time.

Now, after saying all of this, if you cannot figure this out just email the photos to us and we'll put them in a logical order for you. We do this all day so rest assured it will look fine. If you cannot resize the photos then most likely they will be large, 2megs to 5 megs so send only 4 or 5 at a time or they will not come through.

Hope this helps.

Jeff Kermath