A Flat Fee MLS listing is where the seller pays a small, Flat Fee at the time a property is listed instead of a huge commission at closing. By paying a Flat Fee up front the seller gets the same MLS Listing as you'd get with any real estate broker. Some people refer to it as Flat Fee MLS or Flat Rate MLS. Some others call us Discount broker too, that is accurate.
We don't believe in charging high commissions. Selling utilizing a Flat Fee MLS listing simply saves your homes equity.
We are the top local, direct flat-fee MLS listing service in Michigan and offer home buyer rebates. We have more than 6,000 flat fee mls listings and have been providing these services statewide for almost 20 years. Get everything while taking no risks. The ideal combo to save selling and saving buying is flat charge mls listings for selling and home buyer rebates for buying!
Whether it's selling or buyer, we are your #1 choice for buying and selling in Michigan.
Thank you,
Jeff Kermath