Q. |
Who is Kermath Realty? |
Kermath Realty is based out of Saline, MI. We have been licensed Realtors for over 35 years and see the trend toward automating the buying and selling process. We are Statewide Realtors in Michigan that can list your home for a flat fee in any MLS and offer a real estate rebate when buying homes too. |
Q |
How do I find a home? |
Several ways: Realtor.com is common, try the link to the right side of our web site "Search Statewide MLS's this is a list of common MLS'S throughout the state. Also, if you see a home, you may call the listing agent. Just tell them you already have a buyers agency greement with someone else. |
Q. |
How does the real estate rebate work? |
As you find homes we can pull additional data for you to review. If you speak to the listing agent just tell them you already have an agent. This way they won't think you are thier prospect. By law your rebate must be on your closing statement so once we get the offer going we'll need to alert your mortgage rep so they are aware of the rebate. |
Q. |
How do I get started? |
Simply email me or call me at 734-649-4903. I can set you up in "Listing Match". This is a program in the MLS where we can input you so when a home meets your criteria you are the first to know as the home is emailed to you! |
Q. |
Can I sign up even if I've talked to other agents? |
Yes but be sure you let them know you will be signing a buyers agency agreement from here on out. It is important other agents know you're working with us. Otherwise they'll think you are their prospect and want the commission if you buy. |
Q. |
Can I use Kermath Realty if the home is for sale by owner? |
Yes, the owner most likely is willing to pay a commission to sell their home. Although you may think that if you go to the owner direct you get the home cheaper because there is no commission, that is not true. The owner is saving half and you are professionally represented so we can get the home for even less! Additionally, when a buyer and seller have no agent it's best to hire us to do the paperwork to ensure a smooth closing. Many times any commission of fee to us can be negotiated and split between buyer and seller as a way to get professional help. |
Q. Who is Kermath Realty?
A. Kermath Realty is based out of Saline, MI. We have been licensed Realtors for over 20 years and see the trend toward automating the buying and selling process. We are Statewide Realtors in Michigan that can list your home for a flat fee in any MLS and offer a real estate rebate when buying homes too.
Q How do I find a home?
A. Several ways: Realtor.com is common, try the link to the right side of our web site "Search Statewide MLS's this is a list of common MLS's throughout the state. Also, if you see a home, you may call the listing agent. Just tell them you already have a buyers agency greement with someone else.
Q. How does the real estate rebate work?
A. As you find homes we can pull additional data for you to review. If you speak to the listing agent just tell them you already have an agent. This way they won't think you are thier prospect. By law your rebate must be on your closing statement so once we get the offer going we'll need to alert your mortgage rep so they are aware of the rebate.
Q. How do I get started?
A. Simply email me or call me at 734-649-4903. I can set you up in "Listing Match". This is a program in the MLS where we can input you so when a home meets your criteria you are the first to know as the home is emailed to you!
Q. Can I sign up even if I've talked to other agents?
A. Yes but be sure you let them know you will be signing a buyers agency agreement from here on out. It is important other agents know you're working with us. Otherwise they'll think you are their prospect and want the commission if you buy.
Q. Can I use Kermath Realty if the home is for sale by owner?
A. Yes, the owner most likely is willing to pay a commission to sell their home. Although you may think that if you go to the owner direct you get the home cheaper because there is no commission, that is not true. The owner is saving half and you are professionally represented so we can get the home for even less!