Flat Fee Listing   vs. Traditional 6% Companies


Cost Flat Fee plus
buyer agent commission     
6%, even if you
sell your own home
Commission Offered to Buyer Agent 2% - 3% 6% to 7%
Listing in Local MLS ( There is only 1 MLS in a given area) Yes Yes
Datafeed is automatic to: Zillow, Trulia, Realtor.com & all sites like C21, Keller Williams, Coldwell Banker & the rest Yes Yes
Agent Friendly Yard Sign Yes Yes
Source of Most Buyers Internet  Internet
Ability to sell your home by owner & not pay a commission                         Yes No
Provide Market Analysis Yes Yes
Buyer Agents Show Listings Yes Yes
Come out to your home No Probably
Agent-friendly Lock boxes Yes Yes
Top Producing agent Yes, We have sold 1000's of homes Probably not, depends on agent
Experience Since 1998 average 2 years
List properties in local Realtors MLS Yes Yes
Realtor.com Listing Yes Yes
Provide help in closing and negotiations Yes Yes
Showingtime App. This is the app. in the mls agents love to use to schedule showings, More Info... Yes, depends on market area Yes, depends on agent and market area
Cancel listing at anytime at no cost Yes No
Listing on many third party web sites, like Zillow, Trulia, Realtor.com, C21, Coldwell Banker & Others Yes Yes
Chances of listing agent selling property None, we refer all leads to you Less than 1%
Can list without a scheduled meeting Yes Probably
Can list within 1 business day Yes Yes

The bottom line? We are the local MLS members no different than any other real estate company. Your listing with us is the same as it would be with any other Realtor. 

Why pay huge commission if you don't have to?

We look forward to helping you sell and save.

Jeff Kermath
Broker / owner
Kermath Realty LLC